Farewell to a pioneer

The New Zealand meat industry lost one of its true pioneers last weekend. It was announced at the Red Meat Sector Conference that Graeme Lowe CNZM QSM of Lowe Corporation, had passed away after a long illness. Graeme had recently been inducted into the NZ Business Hall of Fame in recognition not only of his business acumen and innovative approach to the New Zealand meat business, but also his support for Hawke’s Bay charities. Our sympathies go to his widow Jenny, son Andy and daughters Sarah and Kate and their families.

Entries open for Prime Minister’s Business Scholarships


Prime Minister John Key has opened the 2012 Prime Minister’s Business Scholarships and is calling for applications from ambitious executives looking to expand their international expertise. The scholarships are designed to build business capability and develop skills, particularly in management and international business leadership.

“As part of growing our economy we need to develop better management skills to get the best out of our workforce. Better managers mean more productive firms,” says the Prime Minister. “Getting access to the best knowledge from the world’s best schools can only benefit our senior executives and the companies to which they return.”

The scholarships give New Zealand’s senior managers, business owners and executives an opportunity to attend world-class learning institutions, and cover 50 per cent of costs associated with studying at an international business school, including course fees, airfares, accommodation, and other costs such as textbooks.

Applications close on 31 July 2012.

For more information go to www.med.govt.nz/scholarships.

Graeme Lowe: 2012 Business Hall of Fame laureate

A hearty congratulations goes to meat industry legend and processing pioneer, Graeme Lowe, who has been made a Fairfax Media New Zealand Business Hall of Fame laureate for 2012.

Graeme Lowe founded Lowe Corporation more than forty years ago and the company has grown to become one of New Zealand’s leading animal by-products processors and exporters. Based in the Hawke’s Bay, the company now operates three tanneries, two fellmongeries (skin preparation plants) and two rendering plants and employs over 500 people at the peak of the production season.

Lowe and this year’s six other new laureates – Bill Gallagher Senior, Sir Graeme Douglas, Sir Patrick Higgins, Thomas Macarthy (1833-1912) and Mary Jane Milne (1840-1921) – will be inducted into the Hall of Fame at a gala dinner on 28 June 2012.

The Hall was created by the Young Enterprise Trust in 1994, to recognise New Zealanders who have made an outstanding contribution to business and society.

Published in Food NZ (June/July 2012). Tickets and more information are here.