PGP programme being welcomed by industry

Grant Cuff, Alliance Group.The new PGP programme, Collaboration for Sustainable Growth, announced yesterday is being welcomed by the industry.

Leading meat processor and exporter Alliance Group has welcomed the initiative designed to improve farmer profitability.

Grant Cuff, chief executive of Alliance Group Limited, one of the founding organisations taking part in the initiative says the new co-ordinated collaborative initiative will enhance the knowledge and capability in the sheep and beef sector and help improve farm performance, productivity and profitability.

“New Zealand can make significant gains in its export earning by ensuring all parts of the value chain collaborate so suppliers are using the best available farm and business practice and tools,” he says, adding that the initiative is an important step in the implementation of the Red Meat Sector Strategy (RMSS). “We’re supportive of any steps to lift the industry’s game and improve on-farm profitability.”

Alliance Group is already implementing many of the RMSS recommendations “as we strive to improve sustainable profitability for the sector,” Cuff says.

Alliance Group has invested significantly in technologies such as Hoofprint, VIAscan and Central Progeny Test trials and research into sheepmeat eating quality, which all aim to assist suppliers to produce high quality livestock and improve farm productivity, he says.

Mike Petersen, B+LNZ Ltd chairman.Another programme partner Beef + Lamb NZ Ltd (B+LNZ)’s chairman Mike Petersen has also welcomed the initiative which he says “will be a huge boost for the sector and will accelerate progress in an increasingly collaborative approach across a range of issues that are important for sheep and beef farmers.”

B+LNZ has been working increasingly closely with meat processors in recent years through its joint venture market development programmes and collectively with processors and exporters via the Meat Industry Association (MIA). The Collaboration programme goes behind the farm gate to help improve productivity and profitability and addresses a number of the issues highlighted in the RMSS, developed by B+LNZ Ltd, the Meat Industry Association and the government in 2011.

Eventful year for meat training

It’s been an eventful year for meat training, with the merger of the meat and dairy sectors’ industry training organisation (NZITO) and the Seafood ITO to create a major export food ITO, which is generating synergies that will benefit all.

The new single ITO entity, using the NZITO name and branding, has been in operation since the beginning of August and is now servicing a combined workforce of over 60,000 employees covering New Zealand’s three key export food industries – meat, dairy and seafood.

“There are many obvious synergies we are now taking up, such as knife skills and rendering and there will be more shared servicing over time as we maximise staff and training to keep costs in check,” reports general manager Carl Ammon, who has stepped up from leading the meat and dairy ITO to head the new body, adding that there are new skills in the team that are all adding value.

Ammon is delighted to share that the new NZITO is delivering at the top of the Tertiary Education Commission’s Educational Performance Indicator tables. “Which is creditable as our industries are seasonal and not based around trade apprenticeships, unlike building or engineering,” he says.

The move to a single enlarged ITO has been strongly supported by the Meat Industry Association (MIA) with chief executive Tim Ritchie pointing out that ITOs provide training that many people would not otherwise get, as it is delivered in the workplace and allows for the seasonal pressures of the agricultural industry.

“The ITO system is an invaluable asset for out industry, and this merger can only make it stronger. The merged ITO will allow our people to learn and up-skill themselves while they work and offers clear opportunities for career development in our industry.”

When he announced  the merger, NZITO chair Graeme Sutton said that training offered through the NZIITO will carry more status in the primary sector and the community as a whole.

Because of its increased ‘buying power’, Sutton said that the ITO will be able to demand high standards of delivery from its training providers. There will also be greater emphasis on training skills that are transferable across the food export sector, creating more opportunities for personal advancement, he said.

The new NZITO board includes two representatives each from the meat, dairy and seafood industries. Representing the MIA, and the meat industry, on the board are Carolyn Thompson, HR Manager for Taylor Preston Ltd and Kerry Stevens, Group HR and Communications Manager for Alliance Group Ltd.

There is also a meat advisory group (MAG), comprising representatives from a number of meat companies, which provides industry input to the NZITO. Similar groups have been set up for the dairy and seafood sectors.

Qualifications now under review

Recent work for the groups includes input to the nation-wide Targeted Review of Qualifications (TRoQ), aimed at simplifying the qualification framework, rationalising the number of qualifications and seeing where updates are needed. Proposals are expected to go forward to NZQA in early 2013.

The work is going well, says Ammon, adding that it is using best practice examples between sectors and will allow for qualifications that are simpler to follow and use and that still provide a learning pathway for staff.

“We are focusing on the generics and people skills like communications, problem solving and team work as well as food safety, market access, quality, biosecurity and supply chain.”

Apprenticeship pathways, proving very popular for meat companies and others, are to be rebuilt. “This uses the qualifications and packages them to the level of a well-rounded and capable operator able to take on technical and leadership responsibility.”

The TRoQ review is also building in the future needs that are arising from drivers like automation and robotics that are now expanding in use across the sector. “This mirrors past experience in the dairy industry, so we can benefit from that experience here,” says Ammon.

Health and safety skills and knowledge are being integrated into core training, alongside the running of specialist Occupational Health and Safety qualifications.

Management development and productivity improvement qualifications are being retained, “as these have been used to good advantage by many companies in building both people and organisational performance,” says Ammon.

The NZITO is also planning to implement with other ITOs, such as hospitality, a base food sector qualification aimed at schools and pre-employment. “This will reinforce the career pathways plan of the Ministry of Education and support trade academies and schools delivering trade-focused skills to students who have a career planned in industry.”

What’s next?

The NZITO is now working closely with other primary sector ITOs in the planning of a primary sector platform to coordinate qualifications and training. That will harmonise with Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) requirements in areas like traceability, transport and animal welfare.

“This will help us to harmonise much that is in common in the food export areas and is intended to reinforce the value chain or paddock to plate concept this is a key driver in New Zealand exports,” Ammon explains.

Practical examples would be common HACCP training standards, animal welfare, animal products inspection and initiatives like halal standards for key markets. “This is also intended to complement our adaptation to expectations from key markets for a standards based approach to the supply chain,” he says.

The NZITO/Seafood ITO merger is part of the reconfiguration of the ITO sector into larger, more capable organisations to better meet the needs of employers. In October, the agriculture and horticulture ITOs also merged into one organisation, under the Primary Industry Training Organisation banner.

“Work is progressing on the prospect of a consolidated primary sector ITO that will deliver greater efficiencies in scale, coverage (market share) and resourcing flexibility,” says Ammon. “Early work shows real potential for savings and improved services so this will be a work in progress for 2012/2013.”

This item appeared first in Food NZ magazine (December 2012/January 2013).


Beef industry stamps footprint

The government recently announced that it will not sign up for new commitments under the Kyoto Protocol when the treaty’s first commitment period expires at the end of next year. However, this does not mean the meat industry’s sustainability focus will lessen, or that this country’s greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation efforts for the primary sector are not important.
In August, the New Zealand Beef Footprint study was released highlighting beef productivity gains and giving New Zealand’s beef processors and exporters the comprehensive information they need for their customers about the meat’s carbon footprint.
Meat Industry Association (MIA) chief executive Tim Ritchie says that his organisation had supported the study because sustainability is still a critical issue in important markets.
“While it is possibly not as front-of-mind in markets as it was two or three years ago, sustainability remains very important and greenhouse gas emissions are a key component of sustainability.”
The study has created a benchmark for understanding where greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are occurring across the beef supply chain, including production, processing, transportation and consumption.It has found that the majority (over 90 percent) of emissions occur on the farm. The footprint varies depending on the type of farm, the sex and age of the animals and whether or not animals from the dairy industry are used.
Overall, the weighted New Zealand average GHG emissions from beef animals from sheep and beef farms was 10.5kg CO2-equvalents (CO2-e) per kg of liveweight.Emissions arising from transport to market are extremely low.
Transport accounts for 4.2 percent of emissions, the report shows. In particular, oceanic shipping is very efficient and this study shows it contributes just 1.1-2.7 percent of the total carbon footprint.In addition, consumption accounts for 3.3 percent of emissions while just 2.1 percent comes from processing, which the report notes “is an area over which industry has direct control and where technologies are available to reduce emissions.”
Dr Stewart Ledgard, the lead author of the report says that until there is a globally-agreed methodology for ‘footprinting’ of meat products, it is hard to assess how New Zealand’s footprint compared to others. This study used the Life Cycle Assessment approach, which is consistent with the PAS2050 published standard for GHG footprinting.The beef study was undertaken by AgResearch and funded by the Meat Industry Association, Ballance Agri-Nutrients, Landcorp and the Ministry for Primary Industries greenhouse gas footprinting strategy. B+LNZ Ltd and individual meat processors provided data and information for the study. This adds to a study already completed on New Zealand lamb’s carbon footprint in 2010.

More reading: see ‘A Greenhouse Gas Footprint Study for Exported New Zealand Beef’, M Lieffering, S Ledgard, M Boyes & R Kemp, February 2012.

This article appeared in Food NZ magazine (December 2012/January 2013).

Robotic technology off to Australia

Dunedin-based production equipment specialist and MIA affiliate member Scott – in association with Robotic Technologies (a joint venture between it and meat processor Silver Fern Farms) – has won an $11 million contract to provide lamb boning room automation technology to two Australian meat processors.

The Australian Lamb Company (ALC) and JBS Australia, a division of the world’s biggest meat processor, will take receipt of the new equipment, which will be installed and in operation before the end of next year.

After installing a fully automated X-Ray Primal system from Scott in 2010, ALC noticed more accurate cutting through use of the x-ray image on each individual carcase, a significant reduction in bandsaw meat dust and a consistent room product flow. In addition, with two less operational staff operating bandsaws, the company anticipates that that there will be a reduction in Occupational Health and Safety claims.

The biggest surprise, however, for ALC general manager of operations Darren Verrall was the consistent room product flow, which has resulted in an extra 250 carcases being processed each shift.

The X-Ray Primal accurately dissects the lamb carcase into forequarter, middle (rack and loin) and hindquarter segments with the use of the x-ray image to define every bone position. Along with the powered rotary cutting knives that can pitch and yaw at the required angles, the entire system can produce accurate cuts that are just not possible using a traditional manual bandsaw.

On viewing the system in operation at ALC, JBS chief executive Don Jackson contracted Scott to deliver a full automated and integrated X-Ray Primal Middle System for its Bordertown facility in South Australia.

Scott is now working with both companies to determine how to use the individual carcase data obtained from the x-ray system to benefit their producers, in addition to bone-in and boneless forequarter automation developments.

The successful contract assisted Scott’s rise in the 2012 TIN100 Report, which is produced by the Technology Investment Network in association with Industrial Research Ltd to showcase New Zealand’s top high-tech companies. Scott grew an impressive 15.1 percent and graduated from the $20m-$49m category into the $50m-$99m set, with revenues of $53.6 million. In its latest August year-end results, the company has reported a further 19 percent revenue growth to $63.8 million.

In addition, Scott has been recently announced as a finalist in the 2012 Westpac Otago Business Excellence Awards.

More information about the vision for Stage 1 of the technology’s development can be found about the system in the video below. For more information about Scott visit the website

This article appeared in Food NZ magazine (December 2012/January 2013).


Rendering R&D gets international boost

The first New Zealand meat industry appointments to the international Fats and Protein Research Association (FPRF) were made recently.

Graham Shortland, chief executive of Waitoa-based Wallace Corporation, is now a director of the Foundation, while meat scientist Mike North, formerly with AgResearch and now project manager for Taranaki Bio Extracts, has been appointed to the FPRF research committee.

Shortland believes that this is a “super opportunity” for the New Zealand and Australian rendering industry to be directly involved in and influence a very credible organisation. “I’m looking forward to taking up the role,” he says.

The US-based FPRF sponsors research on rendered products to enhance current usage and also to develop new uses.

Rendering is an important contributor to revenues for the New Zealand meat industry, producing value-added products, tallow and bone meal (see Food NZ February/March 2010) and also mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Exports of both products to the year end June 2012 were worth $308 million. Tallow exports grew in value by $16 million to $169 million, with volume rising 15,710 tonnes to 134,177 tonnes, with China taking over two-thirds of the exported product. While the value of meat and bone meal exports – primarily to Indonesia and the US – grew by $10 million to $139 million, the volume fell slightly, by just over 3,000 tonnes, on the previous year to 145,563 tonnes.

Both Wallace Corporation and Taranaki Bio Extracts are members of the Meat Industry Association (MIA)’s Renderers’ Group, which recently received New Zealand Trade & Enterprise funding for a market development project aiming to increase returns by selling rendered products into higher value applications and markets. Insights Shortland and North gain from their involvement with FPRF will be fed back into that project, which is now at stage one: targeted market research.

“We are now starting to see a clearer picture of where we might obtain higher returns for some of our basic commodities,” says Shortland. “The FPRF has carried out research and innovation projects that could well help us move our value-add objectives ahead more speedily.”

Offering his congratulations on their appointment, Renderers’ Group executive member Alan von Tunzelman, general manager of PVL Proteins Ltd and a past president of the World Renderers’ Organisation, said he never thought a nominee from this country would be appointed to a role in the international organisation.

“To get both appointed to the respective roles is a great tribute to how they feel about us as an organisation and as people who can contribute positively and make sensible inputs into the FPRF. This is a wonderful opportunity to advance international research and development into rendering and the great work performed by the Meat Industry Research Institute of New Zealand has a further chance of some new life.”

The Renderers Group runs training workshops, which enable experienced operators and  supervisors to receive the core knowledge necessary for the National Certificate in Meat Processing (Rendering Level 4) and to build networks with others in the industry. In addition, a joint meeting for members with Australian counterparts in March gave further opportunity for international sharing of knowledge.

In consultation with members, the group published the ‘New Zealand Rendering Industry Guidelines for Managing and Assessing Odour’  last year. Copies are available from the MIA.

Find out more about FPRF at its website


This article first appeared in Food NZ (December 2012/January 2013).

Meat industry leaders support TPP negotiations

Heads of various meat industry organisations  have shown their public support for the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement negotiations underway in Auckland this week between eleven APEC economies.

They are amongst more than 50 business leaders from some of New Zealand’s largest and most successful companies and business organisations to have signed an open letter to Prime Minister John Key, underlining the importance of international trade and investment for New Zealand.

Among the signatories are Alliance chief executive Grant Cuff, ANZCO Foods’ managing director Mark Clarkson, Silver Fern Farms’ Keith Cooper, Greenlea Premier Meats’ Tony Egan and Sir James Wallace chairman of Wallace Corporation alongside Meat Industry Association chairman Bill Falconer and Beef + Lamb NZ Ltd’s chairman Mike Pedersen and chief executive Scott Champion.

“The signatories to the open letter represent a cross section across all major export sectors in New Zealand, including agriculture, forestry, fishing, horticulture, wine, manufacturing, technology and Maori business. Together they either directly employ, or their members employ, an enormous number of Kiwis,” says the chairman of the New Zealand International Business Forum (NZIBF), Sir Graeme Harrison.

“These business leaders welcome the TPP round taking place in Auckland this week and commend negotiators from the TPP economies for their efforts to conclude a future agreement which should bring benefits for all member economies”.

“The group is aware the negotiation poses challenges for New Zealand policy settings in a number of areas and that the negotiation is complex. We have confidence that Trade Minister Tim Groser and his officials will seek solutions that meet New Zealand’s national interests.”

“We see great advantages for New Zealand arising from a future agreement that is high quality, comprehensive and ambitious, one that eliminates trade barriers, lowers the cost of doing business and makes improvements to the way regional supply chains can link producers and consumers in the region.”

The open letter coincides with the launch of a new business-led initiative, Trade Works, a website ( to help Kiwis better understand the benefits of trade and investment for New Zealand, and understand the potential benefits of TPP.  Funding for the website has been provided by the NZ US Council and the website has been built with the support of thirteen business organisations representing the main export sectors.

“The Council and its partners see value from an effort to create a TPP which meets business and wider needs and reflects the way business is being done today and will be done in the future.  This will assist economic growth and job creation in New Zealand.  Our new website signals that we are also ready to participate with other members of civil society in a dialogue about how TPP can contribute to what it is best for New Zealand,” says the chairman of the NZ US Council, Rt Hon James Bolger.


Meat industry lacks leadership according to Cooke

The National Meat Workers Union’s General Secretary Grahame Cooke stated last Monday the large loss published by Alliance Group would be the first of several for the 2012 year. His point is fairly accurate, confirmed by Silver Fern Farms’ loss announced on Tuesday, writes industry commentator Allan Barber.

Of the other companies ANZCO and Blue Sky Meats will file their results with the Companies Office at the end of March. AFFCO is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Talley’s and doesn’t disclose its results, although the Meat Workers Union says (optimistically) these will be horrendous because of the lock out earlier this year. AFFCO’s results may not be as bad as all that because of the lack of a peak kill.

Cooke’s next point was the losses would inevitably lead to more industry rationalisation; this in turn would cause job losses for the meat workers who have already been affected by several plant closures in recent years. Job and earnings security suffered from fewer stock numbers and shorter season with workers being paid piece rates for shorter shifts; also higher average weights mean better productivity which is true for lambs, but not cattle.

His final point was about the lack of industry leadership in spite of the fact there are a number of good individual companies, all competing vigorously with each other. Cooke said the meat industry has not changed in the last fifty years with poor marketing and plant closures quickly followed by the addition of more capacity. He described the industry graphically as behaving like a cow with its head chopped off.

A look at the Union’s website provides more information on this topic: plant capacity has increased over the past decade with new plants, rebuilds and upgrades at nine plants across the country as well as capacity increases at several more. The Union believes the Government must initiate a ‘meat summit’ to address this.

So the questions are whether Cooke is correct or the industry is behaving in a perfectly rational manner.

My first reaction is the Government will never initiate a summit, almost certainly just another talkfest, because it realises the industry has a functioning commercial model. It competes in a global market and government should never interfere with privately owned businesses, provided they comply with the law. The meat industry has its own industry body, the MIA, which deals with all sorts of industry issues, but not those which impinge on competition between its members.

In addition, land use changes dictated by relative sector profitability will continue to occur regardless. The government would not be wise to get involved in picking winners or hobbling one sector’s ability to adjust its processing facilities.

My next reaction is meat processors and exporters are not the whole industry. There is a value chain which starts behind the farm gate and finishes in restaurants or consumers’ homes. The Red Meat Sector Strategy, FarmIQ and other company based initiatives attempt to define what can be done to join links in the value chain so they contribute to higher, more consistent returns. But it’s up to the farmers to produce to these specifications.

Meat exporters have done a great job over recent years to convert yesterday’s freezing industry into a sophisticated red meat member of the food industry, while also expanding into high value medical and other non-food product areas. More can always be done, but the industry has moved light years from the age of subsidies.

However, this process of modernisation has of necessity been achieved at a cost to overall jobs and terms of employment. The older plants were inefficient and built to service a different industry structure from a previous age. The period following deregulation and more particularly the removal of subsidies saw many farmers in serious financial straits, so their only option was to change farming practice or land use or sell. An unavoidable, even desirable, outcome was a big decline in sheep and prime beef numbers, offset to some extent by the growth in the dairy industry and the US manufacturing beef market.

Owen Poole made the point to me the losses are a sheepmeat problem and Alliance has responded by making the appropriate plant decisions, such as closure of Mataura sheepmeat processing, doubling Mataura’s beef capacity, increased venison processing at Smithfield and rendering at Lorneville. Keith Cooper also confirmed his satisfaction with SFF’s footprint in relation to livestock volumes, having already taken some tough capacity decisions.

This emphasises the regular requirement for new plant configurations to meet the demands of the market place and consequently the workforce must adapt as well. My experience tells me the meat industry does a pretty good job of responding to changes in market conditions, while generally trying to keep its workforce employed. But there is no future in keeping inefficient plants running to protect workers’ jobs, because these will disappear sooner rather than later.

Equally there are no prizes for leaving customer orders unsupplied when competitors are still prepared to process livestock. I certainly wouldn’t fancy the chances of the industry leader who sets an example by refusing to pay the money and has to tell Tesco or Marks and Spencer his company can’t supply because the stock costs too much this week.

Leadership is not as simple as it appears.

The item has appeared in NZ Farmers Weekly and at Allan Barber’s blog Barber’s Meaty Issues.

One man and his dogs

The work of one man over the last four decades has contributed to the eradication of one significant disease and the control and reduction in incidence of another meat quality issue, earning him the respect of his meat industry colleagues.

Geoff Neilson, sheep farmer and chairman of Ovis Management Ltd (OML), has retired after a role spanning 41 years.

Starting in 1971, when he was elected to the Hydatids Council, Geoff contributed not only to the enhancement of sheep meat quality but also to the eradication in New Zealand of hydatids, which caused significant numbers of deaths and hospital admissions in New Zealand.

With the disbandment of the Hydatids Council in the early 1990s, there then became a need for the sheep industry to focus on another parasite Cysticercus Ovis, also known as ‘sheep measles’. The condition was not a human health issue, but was a meat quality issue that had the potential to erode market share and income for farmers and meat companies.

Geoff was the inaugural and only chair of OML until his retirement at the OML AGM on 28 August. OML was established by, and is funded by, sheepmeat processors through the Meat Industry Association (MIA).

MIA chairman, Bill Falconer, paid a formal tribute to Geoff’s lifetime commitment to the meat industry at the recent Red Meat Sector conference in Queenstown.

The OML board has elected a new chairman, Roger Barton, a sheep and beef farmer from Greytown in the Wairarapa.

This article has appeared in Food NZ magazine (October/November 2012).

‘Meating’ the plastic challenge

A series of challenges has been thrown out to the plastics industry to develop packaging that will help the meat industry maintain high food safety standards, increase shelf-life and develop new products.

The meat industry is one of this country’s biggest users of plastic, particularly in the form of packaging that keeps products safe, fresh and looking great right to through to the customer.

Speaking to the Plastics New Zealand conference in Queenstown in May, Meat Industry Association chief executive Tim Ritchie outlined where he thought future opportunities lay for the material.

He told delegates that the meat industry has been very responsive to market demands and there has been a very significant change in the business model over the last 25 to 30 years. Trade has moved from sending frozen carcases – which, early on, were simply stockingetted and later shrink-wrapped for shipping – to the UK, to now sending chilled and frozen cuts and ready-prepared products to more than 115 markets around the world, with a growing focus on the Asian region, he explained.

“Now, we are in the business of directly servicing supermarkets with quality, consumer-ready cuts of meat, produced and packaged at source in New Zealand.

The industry is now in the ‘disassembly’ process, exporting and marketing the ‘bits’ around the world so as to maximise value, he said, adding that “a steadily increasing proportion of trade is high value chilled product.”

Ritchie said that plastics are widely used in the production process, covering products such as clips, liners, covers, containers, crates and pallets, “ensuring that processes are as clean as possible while meeting the needs of industrial production for items that are lightweight and resilient.”

There is a need to ensure their biodegradability and detectability. “But the greatest opportunities for the future of plastics in the meat industry are probably in packaging,” he said.

Areas of opportunity lie in safety, shelf-life, environmental sustainability and, finally, product quality and presentation. Reducing costs and lifting efficiencies are also part of the equation.

A growing volume of New Zealand meat is chilled and it is vacuum-packaged and sometimes CO2-gas flushed.  “The use of barrier bags and gas flushing were important steps in the evolution of our business.”

New packaging that contains anti-bacterial agents, such as ‘biophages’, and ‘smart packaging’ which can identify changes in the product and alert consumers if there is a problem, are two new areas where manufacturers can assist the meat industry to maintain high food safety standards, according to Ritchie.

Shelf-life is another area which has become even more important especially for the perishable chilled meat trade, as the global shipping industry moves towards greater use of ‘slow-steaming’, which increases transit times and reduces the remaining shelf life of products once they get to market. He noted that packaging companies already working on solutions with shelf-life enhancing properties.

In addition, consumers are increasingly demanding environmental sustainability, which means reduced and/or recyclable packaging. Food waste, identified as a major problem especially by the European Union, is also an issue.

“But a significant amount also occurs after purchase and here packaging can be part of the problem,” Ritchie says. Packaging sizes for single or fewer portions, for example, or re-sealable and compartmentalised packages can help limit unnecessary waste.

“And then there are bio-plastics, such as those being made from meat by-products.”

It is not just being satisfied ourselves that all is sustainable and safe, said Ritchie. “We need to be able to demonstrate it to the consumer and retailer, who is often proxy for the consumer in this business.

“Plastics can play an increasing role in helping with food safety, extending product shelf-life, improving attractiveness and ease-of-use by consumers. At the same time, our industry increasingly needs products that are environmentally sustainable, with recyclable or biodegradable attributes,” he concluded.

“And of course, anything your industry can do to help us take cost out of the system and improve operational efficiency will be welcomed.”

This article has appeared in Food New Zealand magazine (October/November 2012).

Chuffed to be recognised by peers

Lamb processor Craig Hickson was “chuffed” when he learned he was to be awarded the 2012 Allflex Federated Farmers Agribusiness Person of the Year in July. Adding a new Welsh meat plant to his business portfolio this year too, makes it one to remember in his business journey.

“It’s very pleasing to be recognised by your peers,” admits the managing director of Progressive Meats.

The astute Hawke’s Bay businessman’s speciality has lain in seeking solutions for plant processes that meet modern demands and also for challenging convention. Over most of the last 40 years (up to 2007) he has been in operation, the straight speaking Hickson has deliberately steered away from direct involvement in exporting leaving others to concentrate on that while he has focused on the niche of contract processing product for exporters.

Recognised as one of the meat industry’s leaders, he holds a seat on the Meat Industry Association (MIA) council and represents industry on the boards of Beef+Lamb NZ Ltd and the New Zealand Meat Board and an assorted array of other directorships.

Born in Canada to Kiwi parents, the young Craig Hickson was moved to Waipukurau when he was three months and later, at age seven, to Havelock North. His schooling was completed at Hastings Boys High, with vacations spent working at the Hawke’s Bay Farmers Meat Company Whakatu works, before he progressed on a HBMC scholarship to Massey University. There, he graduated with a B Tech in food technology, specialising in the engineering side – which has stood him in good stead through several new plants and plant renovations since. Later, he added a BA in economics and marketing to his list of accomplishments.

However, at that stage, pure food technology was not for the young red-headed Hawke’s Bay lad. In 1975, he found himself a job at the Meat Producers Board as product development officer, before leaving in 1980 to develop his own business – a small lamb packing plant in Hastings, Progressive Meats, which opened with his wife in October 1981.

In order to satisfy customer demand for contract services over the years, the Hicksons were involved with a few others in the ownership, design, planning, contruction and operation of Lamb Packers Feilding Ltd and Progressive Gisborne Ltd – and also with Lean Meats Oamaru through a minority shareholding in Lean Meats Ltd.

Having sold their 50 percent share in Feilding and Gisborne to Bernard Matthews NZ Ltd (BM) in 2005, Hickson was part of a syndicate that bought 100 percent back again in 2007 – the same slaughter and processing plant in Gisborne, and slaughter plant in Feilding plus a further processing plant in Waipukurau – when BM decided to withdraw from New Zealand to concentrate on its UK operations.

New meat plant in Wales

Matching supply to demand is also the reason for the purchase in April this year of a small Welsh meat processing plant Cig Calon Cymru (pronounced kig kalon – like talon – kumru, roughly translated as ‘Meat from the heart of Wales’), at Crosshands, near Lllanelli in South Wales. The plant is principally a beef processor, with a small lamb line.

Hickson explained that they had been looking for a suitable processing opportunity in the area to supply lamb year round to British consumers – the British and New Zealand lamb production is largely complementary for chilled. This enables New Zealand lamb to be supplied during the December to May period, when Welsh lamb is in short-supply and then Welsh lamb during the June to November period, when New Zealand lamb is in shorter supply benefiting both sets of producers. It will go into the same packaging with the country of origin clearly labelled.

The name of the company will remain as is and the plant will continue to process beef, but the branding for CCC product is yet to be determined. The management team will include New Zealander Jim Goodall who has the role of general manager. According to Hickson, plant staff are pleased that the company will have a new lease of life, while the local farmers are “reserving their judgement”.

Federated Farmers here have welcomed the initiative as it sees the move is an example of the vertical integration called for in several recent reports and shows there is life in New Zealand’s traditional markets. However, it is not novel, maintains Hickson pointing to Silver Fern Farms’ previous ownership of Brooks of Norwich, which enabled it to process frozen cuts to retailers’ exacting specification in-market, and other New Zealand companies, such as Alliance, Affco and Anzco, which have had in-market representation for many years and, in some instances, association with local processors.

He’s pleased there’s a ‘family’ connection too. The Hicksons own a 1,500ha farm in Hawke’s Bay and the farm manager’s wife, Denise, is Welsh, hailing from St Clairs which is near where the new plant is situated.

Slow product development

Hickson has observed very slow progress of new meat product development in terms of ready-to-eat products over the past four decades since his graduation.

“The major development area has been in the form of natural cuts and portion-size,” he says.

One fundamental reason he gives for the slow development of lamb ready meals is that lamb is a relatively high priced meat as a competing ingredient. Another is the fact that the nature of lamb fat means that it solidifies at a higher temperature than beef or pork making it tricky to work with. It is best served hot or cold, not warm.

One famous product victim of the rising price of lamb was the Bernard Matthews lamb roast, a frozen product that did very well in Britain. The concept was based on the company’s technology and marketing machinery for its famous turkey roast and was so successful it led to a plant being built here in Waipukurau to manufacture the lamb version.

The product did very well until the price of lamb increased beyond what this market segment would support, he explained, and  volumes diminished to extinction. By then, BM had developed lines in chilled and frozen portion-controlled and weight-ranged lamb products for its range.

The new McDonald’s lamb burger, which has been trumpeted about recently, is one of only two examples of a commercial lamb ‘fast food’ item. The other being a doner kebab made from lamb flaps.

Contribution to processes

Hickson believes his most valuable contribution to industry has been to plant processes. Progressive Meats was at the forefront of changes to shiftwork, which though it had already been in place in the ‘follow on departments’ in plants, it was not utilised in slaughter and boning rooms. He gained union agreement in 1986, following a five week strike, just over a year before implementation in 1988.

“Shiftwork enabled small plants to be competitive, through the improved utilisation of capital,” he says.

It was its work on relationships with farmers that enabled Progressive to be the first company in 1987 to offer forward commitment arrangements for lamb supply. “At the time, other industry participants thought forward commitments were not viable and would fail,” Hickson said. But they didn’t.

Progressive was also one of the first companies to move away from the Meat Board’s grading system, which had been designed for carcase specifications, and adapt it for its own customers’ specifications for cuts.

“We talked to our farmers and encouraged them through payments to produce lambs to specification.”

After legislation changed to ban smoking in the workplace, he embarked on a lengthy court fight to establish whether a purpose-built, negatively-pressured smoking room next to the cafeteria at Progressive’s Hastings plant was outside the ‘workplace’. The challenge was lost, but had a silver lining.

“The legal wording was ambiguous and I thought, had the room been deemed not  a workplace workers would not need to change clothes to go outside for a smoke, saving time, and their smoke wouldn’t disrupt other non-smoking employees.”

In the end, the court decided the room was ‘a workplace’ and workers did need to smoke outside the building. As Hickson himself is not a smoker, in fact he says he is “vitriocally opposed”, his support surprised his employees.

“Industrial relations have never been so good as just after that court decision,” he says, adding that the union financially contributed towards the defence of the case.

Looking to the future

Looking to the future, he commented that the Red Meat Sector Strategy (RMSS) is essentially a collation and synthesis of the views of industry participants.

“It didn’t deliver anything new but it is in a coherent form and advocates the development of future business along the lines of what, in many cases, is already going on,” he says.

However, ‘competition to buy’, tends to restrict the rate of progress to that of other competing companies in the field. While there is a high degree of consensus when interviewing participants one-on-one, it is a different matter when actions are observed in the cold commercial, competitive reality, he believes.

He sees the major challenge for the industry is for pastoral sheep, beef and deer farming to be a competitive land use option (at the margin) compared  to dairying, forestry, viticulture and horticulture, among other uses.

“In 40 years, I’ve seen a dramatic change in the Hawke’s Bay Heretaunga plains, which was once prime finishing land for livestock and is now covered in apples, crops grapes, and other viticulture.”

Lifting prices is an obvious target, but is constrained by the fact that lamb is already a relatively high priced meat, he believes.

“Reduction in wastage getting the product to consumers is another target as is endeavouring to negotiate a larger share of what the consumer pays with supermarkets and food service people generally taking between 30 to 50 percent of what the consumer pays.”

“Sheep are a dual product animal and we neglect wool at our peril,” he says. ”We need to be actively seeking new applications to lift demand and hence returns, particularly for the mid-micron and strong wool,that are traditionally used in carpet making. Wool hasn’t kept pace with lambing percentage increases, or inflation and if we could arrest the decline, and reverse the trend, sheep farming will be more profitable and grow.”

During his spare time, hobbies include managing his 60 hectare farm around he and his wife’s home in Haumoana, where he keeps deer near to the house, “nice to look at and easy to keep.” He has a love of classic cars and still owns the first one he bought when he was 19, a 1954 MG TF. He plays tennis and cricket and enjoys sailing on Lake Taupo.

When asked what was his most proud moment over his career to date, Hickson paused to reflect and said he had difficulty picking one moment as they blend into each other.

“I’ve never felt as though I’ve climbed a mountain, I’ve always been on a journey.”


Craig Hickson

  • 1970 to 1973 – B Tech (Food), Massey University.
  • 1973 – Management trainee at Hawke’s Bay Farmers Meat Company, Whakatu.
  • 1975 – Joined Meat Producers Board staff as product development officer. Completed BA in Economics and Marketing Victoria University.
  • 1981 – Hicksons start small meat packing house Progressive Meats.
  • 1982 – Designs , builds and commissions small venison plant alongside Progressive Meats for ‘start up’ local farmer company, East Coast Venison.
  • 1987 – Plan and design venison plant in Feilding for East Coast Venison.
  • 1987 – Design, build and commision lamb slaughter at Progressive Hastings.
  • 1990 – Takes a minority interest in Lean Meats Ltd.
  • 1993 – Takes a minority interest in Te Kuiti Meats Ltd.
  • 1994 – Buys venison plant in Hastings and, with partner John Signal, the venison plant in Feilding from Venison New Zealand (formerly East Coast Venison).
  • 1995 – Builds Lamb Packers Feilding Ltd.
  • 1998 – Builds Progressive Gisborne Ltd.
  • 1999 – Builds replacement slaughter plant at Hastings (original only 13 years old).
  • 2003 – A principal in setting up Progressive Leathers Ltd at Whakatu.
  • 2005 – Sells Feilding and Gisborne Lamb interests to Bernard Matthews.
  • 2006 – Takes a majority interest in Te Kuiti Meats Ltd.
  • 2007 – Syndicate, including Hickson, purchases Bernard Matthews NZ Ltd’s lamb-processing and exporting operations in New Zealand and renames it Ovation New Zealand Ltd (plants at Gisborne, Waipukurau and Feilding).
  • 2012 – Allflex Federated Farmers Agribusiness Person of the Year.
  • 2012 – Hicksons purchase Welsh meat processor Cig Calon Cymru.

Current directorships: Progressive Meats Ltd, Ovation New Zealand Ltd, Lean Meats Ltd,Te Kuiti Meats Ltd, Progressive Leathers Ltd, MIA Council, Beef + Lamb NZ Ltd, Meat Board Ltd, Ovita Ltd. The Hicksons also farm sheep, beef and venison on 1,500 hectares in the Maraetotara/Elsthorpe district in East Coast Hawke’s Bay.

An abridged version of this article appeared in Food New Zealand magazine (October/November 2012).